Are Restaurants Open on July 4th? McDonald's, Starbucks, Taco Bell and More

October 2024 · 2 minute read

That most patriotic of annual holidays, the Fourth of July, and with it comes the chance to engage in all of the most fun American traditions. From attending parades to watching the fireworks and having a cookout, the red, white and blue will color numerous activities across the Fourth.

But what if you're not able to cook, or just simply can't be bothered? Well, Newsweek has rounded up details of some of the most popular food franchises and chains across the U.S., and whether or not they're open on July 4—alongside a little information about the holiday itself.

Otherwise known as Independence Day, the Fourth of July, celebrates the U.S. independence from Britain. On July 4, 1776, the 13 American colonies, which were at war with Great Britain, declared themselves to be independent states and no longer under British rule.

As it is a federal holiday, many companies and major retailers will be closed. This includes popular restaurants and fast-food outlets, so Newsweek looks at the opening plans for some of your favorite chains and franchises below.

Are restaurants open on the Fourth of July?

Which restaurants are closed on the Fourth of July?

Uncommon Knowledge

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

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